The Babies!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

20 Week Bump (20w0d)

Half-way there! I feel like I'm a lot bigger this week than I was last week. And I still have 20 more weeks to go. Oh my...


Danielle said... are not..its just your shirts are...and its really is..i mean..look at your skin..your are glowing..i hope you and your "partner" in crime can really enjoy this wonderfull time..:-)

by the way..i m not sure if it is rude to speak about..errr*...breast feeding...but when you breast feed the little mister will suck all those extra baby pounds right of your bones...several breasting (if that is a word) moms told me so...

Saskia Walker said...

You look so gorgeous! This is why they invented the word "fecund." You are fecund in every way. :) Hugs! Look after your bump.

Nikki Magennis said...

You look beautiful, Kristina. Really.

I completely get how weird it is, having so much *more* of oneself - but really, to anyone else, you just look amazing and lovely.

Kristina Wright said...

Thank you, Danielle! (And for the breast feeding advice, too.)

Saskia, You're so sweet. I'm looking after my bump, to be sure!

Nikki, That is such a good way to put it-- there's more of me. ;-) I bet you're lovely and glowing right now!

Gusdog said...

I'm so excited for you guys! You look great! (This is Kim, not Adam, by the way...just on his acct.)

Kristina Wright said...

Thanks, Kim! ;-)