The Babies!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wriggle, Baby, Wriggle (9w6d)

No matter what fears were running through my mind sitting in the waiting room this morning, they faded away when I got to see this little shape wriggling and waving at me. The picture isn't much to look at, but it's something else to see it moving around on screen. I even got to hear the heartbeat today, whoosh-whoosh-whooshing along at 167 bpm.

I also found out that the fibroids that have caused so much concern since my miscarriage last year aren't necessarily as big a problem as I had been led to believe. Three of them are rather large, but they are outside the uterus and in the uterine wall. The other two are in the uterus, but aren't in a position to inhibit a vaginal delivery. I have spent a year thinking that C-section was a forgone conclusion because of fibroids and now I'm finding out that isn't true. That was almost as good as seeing the baby on the ultrasound.

It was a good appointment. Better than I could have expected. I have two weeks until my Maternal Fetal Medicine appointment. Fingers crossed that everything goes as well then as it did today. If it does, I might actually be able to breathe.

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